Festival of Tolerance is visiting Vienna on the 5. and 6. of October, 2014. at LET’S CEE Film Festival. LET’S CEE will be the host of our Festival. Cooperation beetween our festivals will promote values we strive to in both of our programs.
Panel Discussion
Program will start with a panel discussion “About the right way of dealing with sustainable remembrance and commemoration.”
On October 5th at 05:30 PM, the two-time Oscar winner is going to speak together with Oliver Rathkolb, university professor at the Institute for Contemporary History of the University of Vienna – and in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary History of the University of Vienna – about the challanges related to the preservation of a sustainable culture of remembrance and commemoration. In doing so, the Shoah Foundation – established by Steven Spielberg with Branko Lustig, Karen Kushell and Gerald R. Molen in Founding Advisory Committee – which is a unique collection of about 50.000 interviews with contemporary witnesses, will be presented as well as the short film “Games”, produced at this year’s Festival of Tolerance in Zagreb.
Educational morning
Branko Lustig, who was interned in the concentration camps Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen during his childhood because of his Jewish origin, will come to Vienna within the framework of a series of events called “Educational mornings” throughout Europe for the very first time. The multidisciplinary series, which will be consisting of the film screening of “Run, Boy, run”, followed by a panel discussion, is aimed at sensitizing young people to the topic of the Holocaust. Students get the unique opportunity to discuss with Branko Lustig after the movie.
The program ”Educational mornings” was founded by Branko Lustig with the explicitly phrased, central goal to clearly and unequivocally stand against the increasing popularity of right-wing extremist ideologies with the help of interdisciplinary methods and multimedia. Needless to say, this position is also a clear sign against the rise of violence among young people and the increased discrimination of people with different ethnicity, religion or skin colour and it strongly speaks out against social injustice.
The event will take place at Artis Kino, Schultergasse 5, 1010 Vienna on Monday, October the 6th, 2014, 11:15 AM. The screening will be immediately followed by the discussion with Branko Lustig in German. Free entrance for schools, seats are limited.
Other Activities
In additional to regular festival activities, a press conference will be held on 6th of October, 2014. at 10:30 AM with directors of the LET’S CEE film festival. Later the same day at 04:00 PM in, Branko Lustig will hold a masterclass, sharing his experience from the producer point of view and his successful career.